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Toll Free: +877-272-4077 fundme@realestateinvestorfunding.com

How it Works

How it works

Now, you’re thinking that NOBODY gives out money for free.

And that is 100% true. We can only offer this program to people with at least a GOOD credit rating. And the better your credit history, the more funding we can arrange, and the better your rates and terms will be.

Would you say that your credit scores are all above 680?

Do you have a lot of late pays or derogatory information on your credit report? If you do, then you need to clean that up, and come back to us when you’re ready.

We don’t want to give you false hope or waste your time.

These are the base criteria you need to go through the simple and easy pre-qualification.

One of the ways that our system is different, is because we are NOT going to pull your credit.

We’re not going to LOWER your score.

In fact, we need you to pull the score yourself using a free online service. So you are in total control of your credit and protect your identity.

The first and most important step in the application process is for you to get onto an online credit service and setup an account.

Then you can log on and check your credit without lowering your score. It may be higher than you expect. OR, it may be lower. It’s so important for you to KNOW what is in your report. In fact, the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION has found that most consumers have at least one error in at least one of the three major credit reporting agencies.

If your score meets our minimum standard, you can move forward, complete the application, and we can get started creating a funding package for you.

If your score DOESN”T meet our standard, don’t panic. It’s ok. Each of the credit services provides good recommendations on how to boost your score. We;ve seen scores jump as high as 100 points in a month. Getting this cleaned up will allow you to get more of your funding goal, and empower you to get the best possible rates and terms.

  • Step 1: Go to https://www.creditkarma.com This is a direct Experian Company that scores like the banks.
  • Step 2: I want you to Click “See for yourself” and fill in the required information.
  • Step 3: This will create a user name and password and fill out the remaining information. There is NO CHARGE for this. And you don’t have to give them any payment information.

Ok, if all of your scores are over 680, you can get pre-qualified and we can see how much funding we can secure for you. Here’s a link to our information page: Please remember, you’re not agreeing to anything, there is no upfront fees, no charges. At this stage, we’re just gathering information to see how we can help you. When we have a funding proposal together, we’ll provide clear disclosure of all interest rates, fees and conditions. And if you are 100% comfortable with the proposal, you can move forward.